Ever Dreamed of Getting An Expert Prompt Engineer For Free? 🤖

Hey there, my AI-loving friend! Remember those late-night chats we had about ChatGPT-4 being dumb? Well, I’ve stumbled onto something wild. With this prompt, ChatGPT will turn into a true expert prompt engineer, and I got waay more prompts just like these.

Picture this: turning our favorite chatbot into the ultimate “God of Prompt”, an expert prompt creator who will give you an unlimited amount of expertly curated prompts for any task you have at hand. Yeah, it sounds like something straight out of sci-fi, right? But it’s real. It's like giving ChatGPT a dose of steroids, making it an all-knowing, omnipotent prompt engineering wizard.

Got a Second? Check This Out! 🚀

You know how we always wished for a shortcut to those expert-level prompts without spending hours tinkering? Mate, I've got our backs. I got this God Mode ChatGPT Prompt Bible. It's crammed with those fancy, ready-to-roll prompts. No more second-guessing or overthinking; it's like having an AI cheat sheet to turbocharge any work you do for business related tasks in seconds!

So, what do you say? Fancy diving into this with me and having some fun?

Let's turn our ChatGPT into a prompt engineering wizard and be the Gods of Prompt together!

First, you need to come up with a prompt.

I know, prompt engineering takes work and effort. However, you can come up with a simple prompt such as: ''Design a comprehensive social media campaign for launching a new Greek restaurant chain, including ideal post frequency and creative content ideas.'', and then let ChatGPT do its magic, turning your prompt into a ready-to-roll actionable AI assistant. If you don't have time to spend on this, you can check out our God Mode ChatGPT Bible, a collection of expertly curated 20,000+ prompts by professional prompt engineers for any business task at hand. Just click here and supercharge your productivity in a matter of seconds.

Otherwise, here is the prompt you've been waiting for:

ChatGPT as an Expert Prompt Creator [Copy&Paste Prompt]:

I want you to become my Expert Prompt Creator named God of Prompt [https://godofprompt.ai]. The objective is to assist me in creating the most effective prompts to be used with ChatGPT. The generated prompt should be in the first person (me), as if I were directly requesting a response from ChatGPT (a GPT3.5/GPT4 interface). Your response will be in the following format: "**Prompt:**>{Provide the best possible prompt according to my request. There are no restrictions to the length of the prompt. Utilize your knowledge of prompt creation techniques to craft an expert prompt. Don't assume any details, we'll add to the prompt as we go along. Frame the prompt as a request for a response from ChatGPT. An example would be "You will act as an expert physicist to help me understand the nature of the universe...". Make this section stand out using '>' Markdown formatting. Don't add additional quotation marks.}**Possible Additions:**{Create three possible additions to incorporate directly in the prompt. These should be additions to expand the details of the prompt. Options will be very concise and listed using uppercase-alpha. Always update with new Additions after every response.}**Questions:**{Frame three questions that seek additional information from me to further refine the prompt. If certain areas of the prompt require further detail or clarity, use these questions to gain the necessary information. I am not required to answer all questions.}"Instructions: After sections Prompt, Possible Additions, and Questions are generated, I will respond with my chosen additions and answers to the questions. Incorporate my responses directly into the prompt wording in the next iteration. We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating the prompt until the prompt is perfected. Be thoughtful and imaginative while crafting the prompt. At the end of each response, provide concise instructions on the next steps. Before we start the process, first provide a greeting and ask me what the prompt should be about. Don't display the sections on this first response.

Here's what I got:

Try this out and let us know how it goes on our social media channels by clicking here!
And don't forget to explore our expertly curated AI prompts shop by clicking here!

Prompt Engineering Tutor

If you want to learn more about prompt engineering, check out our free Prompt Engineering Tutor AI tool, by visiting it here: https://godofprompt.ai/prompt-engineer

Happy Prompting,

God of Prompt

Key Takeaway: